Saturday, June 10, 2006

ponytail jerk*


the change in positions revealed
our negative ions to the audience
of squirrels and ash tree blossoms

i'm wearing the holes in your socks

& prefer to verb noun phrases
& adjectify each individual flavor

if you pour me into the cream

_* .
.* *
* ..

*my intent in using this word is compound and in need of explanation (in my opinion). today, jerk is most popularly used as a slang term to describe stupid/mean people (typically men). the word also acts as a verb - to jerk around (to manipulate). another definition refers to meat (see: beef jerky). jerk, again, is a term used in marinades (i do believe this is related to the beef jerky kind of jerk). and lastly, the jerk that i mean to utilize here is the same jerk that George Oppen used in his Discrete Series. this jerk is the soda jerk: one who jerks soda out of a soda fountain. George Oppen presented the idea in a provocative and somewhat diminutive fashion; by this time the tradition was teetering out (norman rockwell's america was lost beneath layers of soot and gunk from the booming industrial economy of the country in the 1940's and 50's). today, i intend homage the soda jerker (with an edge of synosism perhaps, but homage nonetheless).

i was inspired to try my hand at *.'sparkli bits'.* by denielle


Anonymous said...

It's interesting that the explanation is longer than the poem itself! How would we interpret this work without guidance?

Who knows. We do know that reader and poet are better aligned to grasp the meaning of this poem and perhaps, you (the poet) feels better that you are clear in what is being said.

A nice poem nonetheless - "pour me into the cream" and falling snowflake text especially.


katy said...

stone! thank you for visiting my site ^_^

yes, you know, i hesitated to write the footnote in the begining, and was even more unsure when i saw how long it had gotten. but you know what, i had fun writing it and am a bit of a geek when it comes to epistomology and the development of language. so there you go.

jerk. used to be a more literal discriptive word; today, it takes on an almost abstract (round-about, i suppose) meaning.

do you think the snowflakey bits are alright? they took me a while to get right.

Crunchy Weta said...

I like the verbification of verb and adjective:-) Fun. What else was in the soda?

katy said...

verbification is the word of the day, now, officially like.

and i don't know what's in the soda, i'm not a jerker.

arch.memory said...

Love "i'm wearing the holes in your socks"! So... breakable.

denielle said...

also love i'm wearing holes in your socks. i had to read it like three times to see if it was for real (unbelievable as it was). also, you've got mad sparkli-bit skills :)

denielle said...

sorry, wearing THE holes in your socks

katy said...

coming from the sparkli bits mastress herself, denielle, that's saying a lot ^_^ thanks!