Thursday, October 18, 2018

the fury regular

you can feel pockets
of tired and bloodless

collect under your eyes.
pitiful pools of discomfort.

dragging your vision -
blurring your voracity -

dragging you back
to that hunched over

position that doubles
you over and doubles

as pain relief
in the form of pressure

on the parts that push
against the logic

and the walls you built
inside and outside

of your body. and wait
for the passing to pass

and pass through the phases
again and again and again -

the cycle inside, the fury
is regular at least.

Thursday, October 11, 2018


ask for help
because you were told

it's okay
to ask for help

but asking
leaves you vulnerable

to the criticism
to the backlash

of asking for the help
they told you to ask for

Wednesday, October 03, 2018


"There are tyrants in my home
I dance to keep unseen."
from Bad Egg by @rafaelcasal

i love this quote. for me, it applies to women. to survivors.