Tuesday, March 25, 2014

another Oulipost warm up poem: The Chaos Julie Creates


The outlaw in question is the name of the person (or subject) to whom the poem is addressed. Each line of the poem includes all the letters of the alphabet except for the letter appearing in the dedicated name at the position corresponding to that of the line: when writing a poem to Eva, the first line will contain all letters except E, the second all letters except V, and the third all letters except A.

Choose someone mentioned in your newspaper to whom to address your poem. Compose a beautiful outlaw poem following the procedure outlined above and using words sourced from your newspaper text."

the source(s): http://www.capecodtoday.com/event/23738-talking-parenting

 the poem:
The Chaos Julie Creates
(J) Mrs Sacchetti,
the Queen Bee from childhood,
parenting with freckled siblings
and the heavy blizzard
talking about
heavy exercises of love.
(U) The department meets in New Jersey
 by registration rivalry where no topics with heavy settings
are eligible
or information recognized.
(L) A grant in care--
and funded in tax--
windswept New Jersey with no out
in Queen Bee poems he remains heavy
things zoom out,
but the shih
(I) tzu negated sun
next to the heavy household—(
jobs that know lots of love
seem key in excellent care
and department funded health seems)--
but the owner enjoys snowfall and poems
(E) Cod by grant unfold
official jurisdiction known
playing rivalry qualify topics
with six siblings
… law may blizzard.
the note: i wrote a stanza for each letter instead of just one line.  i felt it fit better, and allowed me to do more with the words by giving them line breaks and more diversifying, defining punctuation.  so there.

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