Saturday, May 16, 2015

always and forever (5/29 title by Meaghan Hughes)

from o

I am over and over
I reoccur.

my wounds have their own scars
my tattoos have stories.

I cannot speak
I only repeat.

until the thin skin that protects me
haunts me. That itch never goes.

it's here and here and here.
it hurts.

over and over. And I scratch.
and the itch remains.

and I start over.
again. I reoccur.

and over and over and forever.

1 comment:

Selçuk Erez said...

Dear Something Katy,
I love your style and it reminds me of the Turkish poet Orhan Veli Kanık.Fine Days
Fine days (by Kanık)

These fine days have been my ruin.
On this kind of day I resigned
My job in "Pious Foundations.''
On this kind of day I started to smoke
On this kind of day I fell in love
On this kind of day I forgot
To bring home bread and salt
On this kind of day I had a relapse
In my versifying disease.
These fine days have been my ruin.
(translated by Bernard Lewis)