off to a parallel universe with you then, mickey the idiot. am so gonna miss your antics...
...and who's the doctor going to make fun of?
not mickey smith, not any more, not after saving the earth (albeit a parallel one). not after destroying the cybermen and preventing from taking over the planet and then the universe, no way.
yeah so, i cried when he said he wasn't going with rose and the doctor back to their universe of origin. guess i should just be pleased that he didn't get dead like rickey did...
You know, this was the first story where I genuinely liked Mickey. I found him a pain and it was good that he was written out, but still - another universe? That said, I think he'll be back. I'd go so far as to say I think he might be back in the final two-parter which features... I won't spoil. But they'll be back! x
the big monsters always come back (and some of the not-so-big ones, like casandra and blon fell fotch (or whatever her name is)), there's no way they'll have spent all the time and money making cybermen without squeezing them into another episode or two ^_^ i hope we do get to see mickey again!! i think he's great! and noel clarke is such a good sport, i mean, where would Totally Doctor Who be without him?
Yeah, what WAS up with that? Her hair isn't even long anymore. least we don't have to shake our heads at him and sigh "Mickey" like we still have to whenever we think of Adam.
...(sigh) Adam (shake of the head)
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