Tuesday, May 30, 2006

the behaviour patterns of orange

the equation is unusual
but through every test possible
the results are undeniable

rocking chair (gamer model) + innocent orange ribbon = a good time

the patterns are simple
though inconsistent to the point
where we cannot possibly label them
as patterns at all

nap > meow > think about the water then pass on the water > eat food

attack ribbon > pretend you didn't attack the ribbon just then > catch ribbon off guard with second attack

the linguistic complexity of meowing
is tripled with this one in particular
who has invented a new kind of noise


in high g with modulation tending towards one eighth lower at each duplicate vowel representation and elevated by one eighth from the original note upon the resonating second 'o'.

the overall effect of these behavioural patterns are apparent: though inconsistent in quality and quantity the literate poetess has all but been brainwashed by the undeniable cuteness of an itty bitty kitty named max (for short).


Scott Glassman said...

this is a bold piece, which I think is fantastic-- more of this!!

katy said...

ha! and i thought i was just making a mess, thanks scott!