Wednesday, May 24, 2006

はい(な) く

each other's
backs with sticks

each other's
lips in fits

each other's
ideas with ease

each other's
histories as lovers

the title of this post is in hirigana
what is hay(na)ku?


B Boutwell said...

By the time I get to the 12th line I can't read it. :) It's the word "with." How about "histories [as] lovers"?

B Boutwell said...

I click publish and now there is a change. ahah. "Vigor." I liked "in fits," personally.

B Boutwell said...

Or I could just read it outloud, to see if it's just in my head. But I can't at the moment...

katy said...

histories as lovers and in fits.

Crunchy Weta said...

LOL.. watch out.. that Hay(Na)Ku stuff is addictive!

katy said...

no kidding glenn, i keep thinking peotry in six words.

katy said...

svwaa is the verification word. blue and squggly. i couldn't resist sharing it.