Wednesday, May 17, 2006

acceptance plus

am bubbling over with joy at the mo. just got my acceptance letter from umass dartmouth! (it's always a good sign when it's a fat envelope.)

so i am officially enrolled in the master's program as soon as i send them this little grey card to confirm that i'll be attending in the fall.

now, for the plus part!! i have been "awarded" a teaching assistantship!! (which means a two-semester tuition waiver and some extra $$ on top!)

how is that not fantastic?

asides (in techno-colour):

got another rejection email from a zine (can be found on the submissions page, scroll all the way down to the bottom and press the button, you like it).

"New Super Mario Brothers" for the DS is AWESOME!!!

am listening to majida al-roumi because she's beautiful

am reading "Only Human" by gareth roberts (the official dr who novel) and loving it

and if you want to know the weather where i am: happy, sunny, windy, partly birdy skies.


Anonymous said...

"...Partly birdy skies" - I love that!

arch.memory said...

Congratulations, dear! So happy for you! And to add to your joy, I just bought you Majida's latest album :)

katy said...

yay!! an actual majida album, in all it's vuluptuous glory! i can't wait!!