Friday, March 31, 2006

i'm not joking





Anonymous said...

Who would even want to?

katy said...

am planning on seeing it a second time. also, if you click on the link (from "slither") you'll see that there are many many others who would reccomend it.

best reviewed horror film ever? maybe?

anway, the answer to your question is: a lot of people

so go see it!!!! even if you don't like horror films, this is fun and interesting and exciting. mostly fun.

Anonymous said...

I don't care for horror films, Katy. I have to deal with enough horror when comments like these are brought my way.


katy said...

i didn't care for horror films before i met ryan... it's one of those genres that you can't full appriciate if you've only dabbled. i don't mean you specifically gingerivers, i mean you as in me and us and on and on...

like you can't truly appriciate poetry if you only dabble... then again, maybe you can... plenty of people do dabble.

if you're going to dabble in horror, anyway, this is the film to dip your fingers into, get them slimey.

as far as the comments... couldn't see any, sorry. and i wasn't able to listen to the audio from work, will do later this even thought.

katy said...

"even thought" = evening though

i have no idea how that happened.

Anonymous said...

I didn't take it to mean me specifically, Katy.

And no thanks, my hands are clean and I prefer to keep them that way.
Slime on~

As to the comments you can't see, I was refering to the comments in the audio blog.

katy said...

riko. shhhh.