Prompt: Choose a sentence or short passage from your newspaper to complete a homoconsonantism. In this form, the sequence of consonants in a source text is kept, while all its vowels are replaced. For example:
ORIGINAL: To be or not to be: that is the question.
CONSONANTS ONLY: T b r n t t b t t s t h q s t n
FINAL PRODUCT: As burnt tibia: it heats the aqueous tone.
Original Sentence: "A relative of the right whale, bowheads have thicker blubber best suited for the arctic waters they typically inhabit."
Consonants only: r l t v f t h r g h t w h l b w h d s h v t h c k r b l b b r b s t s t d f r t h r c t c w t r s t h t p c l l n h b t.
Final product:
real tv fat
hear go hit,
while be we hide
- shove to huck -
re-blob by re-blast.
stay defer,
their cat caw trust.
he top call
no hobo too.
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