Sunday, April 13, 2014

Oulipost #12: SONNET

Prompt: Write a sonnet sourced from lines found in newspaper articles. You may choose your own sonnet type ( Examples here) and should feel free to be creative with the rules. One known Oulipo variation is “sonnets of variable length,” in which one must compose a sonnet in which the lines are either as short as possible or as long as possible.


The Whaling Incident on the Line

The incident is under investigation, I’m grateful and thankful to have found.
While businesses wait to see what becomes, the rough and tumble world of conventions,
State and federal law dictates that boaters debate about certain local aid levels or welfare.
But from a different vantage point to the entrance to the Cape Cod Canal,

one of those areas that could be, my good friend and colleagues,
Vulnerable and Dangerous for someone with who she shared a bed!
An understanding that spending Right Whales could once again be seen,
they debated and passed a local aid, holding the line on candy and soda.

Meanwhile a research vessel collided with a feeding whale, that might stir an uprising among the populace.
The injury to the whale was hard; much of the tragedy lies in her promise.
Two men killed were doing the line work, far more than could fit between these covers.
Her mourning process is full of anxiety. Location provides native stone, sand and gravel.

Something to do with the fact that they kept true to his word by keeping out,
When asked about the predictable rejection, he said "be on the lookout for feasting whales."

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