Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Q & A results

a special thanks to everyone who sent me questions and answers for this project:


as it turns out, i didn't use everything single question and answer (and a spare few of them have been slightly doctored, but i didn't think you'd mind); though, i did use a lot of them. now, without any further muttering and yappy, i give you a what some might call a poem what other's might call a list; but both schools agree, it is all rather enjoyable.

what are three ways to fall down?
they are all the ways we get to the store.

what is cold to an eskimo?
it is love.

what are butterflies?
they are canned food donors seeking revenge.

what is the meaning of life?
it is splendid for the turkeys!

what are those mirrors doing there?
they are burning down.

what is her favorite ice cream today?
it is going to implode if we leave it alone.

what is the secret of soy and how do i master it?
it is filled with candy.

what are computers going to be like in the year 2100?
they are not going to get the message.

what is the answer?
it is part pekinese, part great dane.

what are those earrings doing in your car?
they are going to shoot the canary.

what is is?
it is what you do when you come home late at night.

what are you burying them for?
they are trying to make rope from gizzards.

what is the tapestry hanging just left of your mother?
it is made of people.

what is my shadow?
it is not really there.

what is the big deal with chthulhu anyway?
the purpose of his existence is to endure.

what are those holes for?
they are my stars and they burn.

what are we going to tell the piggies now?
they are unforgiving when it comes to the sea.

what is a dog for?
it is important when avoiding dodge ball.

what is the square route of fuzzy divided by yen and then multiplied by that bee's knee?
it is exactly like a bendy straw.

what are you pajamas doing on my sofa?
they are stinky.

what are the last things you see when you die?
they are all that remains from the all-consuming fire.

what is falling from the sky?
it is a simple flick of the wrist.

what is your worst fault?
it is the door behind the door.

what is with the price of eggs?
it is the window that is always open?

what are the magic words?
they are irony in a bottle.

what are yyour shoes for?
they are the things that make it work.

what is the motto of the mini eggs appreciation society?
it is what happens because of cows.

what, precisely, is the function of a man's nipple?
it is meant to be a mystery and in point of fact, not actually your business anyway.

what is the meaning of your wit-less expression?
it is, ya that's it, just is.

what are you parents going to say?
they are the finest nipples i have ever ignored.

what is love?
it is a bad attempt at mining minerals.

what are the fish doing in my pants?
they are unable to understand.

what is the gift you gave?
it is forever.

what are revolving eyes?
they are an entirely repulsive race of legumes not well-liked by the natives of the only area they grow, utah.

what is the leeward side?
it is the thing that oinks!

what are imaginary numbers?
they are what you get for being good.

what is it with the scarf on a snowman's neck; if he's cold shouldn't he be given a jacket as well?
it is quixotic.

what is the sound i hear under the covers at night?
it is moving things to a less crowded place.

what are the little black dots all over my car?
they are a very special way of making you feel good.

what is the color of an angry moon?
it is brainless and confusing.

what is at the end of this hallway?
it is a snow drop that alighted gently on my face, knowing the fate that my warmth would bring.

what are they doing in sheffield?
they are a musical group known for their whirls and twirls.

what is pain in the surrounding?
it is a tangerine-colored sweater-set, but only when purchased in new orleans at marti gras.

what are the dolphins planning?
they are full of themselves.

what are my toes doing?
they are running, running, running, running...

what is a rapscallion?
it is deliciously sordid.

what is the light taking up room?
is it called the green flower.

what are the sounds of all the words at once?
they are the keys to the fridge.

what is the big empty circle doing here?
it is much bigger than your ambition.

what is a hot heart?
it is time we did something about this.

what is the endpoint of a whalesong?
it is an ecumenical question.

what is inside that beautiful house?
it is the last thing you'd ever do.

what is with soap these days?
it is silly but necessary.

what are dreams for?
they are 3D-tastic.

what is the color of greenishpink?
it is a punishment for shoplifting in kazakhstan.

what is that thing and why is it bristling?
it is made of tuna.

what is your objective?
it isn't the floor that counts, it is the fall.

what are purple and bouncy?
they are mine, my demons, mine!!


katy said...

what is the secret of soy and how do i master it?
it is filled with candy.

this is the asnwer to your tummy issues. candy. lots and lots of candy.

arch.memory said...

This is wonderful! Excellent job, katy! So many favorites, I won't list them... Magical. Really.

katy said...

santosh, so true. in fact, that's a perfect way of justifying this experiment. as long as the answers we're looking for are "they are stinky" or "it is part pekinese, part great dane" ^_^