Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jack Status Report

jack seems to be doing really well tonight. i took him to the vet this morning for more fluids and another dose of stomach medicine. when we got home, he went straight for his food bowl.

ryan came home at lunch and fed jack some wet gooey kitty food with his usual medicine (for his upi eye) mixed in and he ate that all up.

as of now, he's not thrown up all day. i've not seen him have any water yet, but at least he's eating (that's a big deal).

i will keep you posted. assume no news is good news ^_^

1 comment:

Kilgannon said...

I'm glad he's doing ok! He's a lovely lookin' cat and that's saying a lot coming from me cos' i'm not much of a cat lover, i'm a doggie person