Monday, August 13, 2007

in loving memory of herbert

herbert is michelle and josh's pretty girl kitty. herbert has been through a hell of a lot the past two weeks (you can read michelle's account here).

and most unfortunately, herbert died at the animal hospital yesterday afternoon.

having lost two cats this year, i empathize with where michelle and josh are right now. but know, too, that there probably isn't anything i can say to make them feel better.

that doesn't mean i can't try though...

michelle, it sounded like you have doubt about the actions you took. and maybe it didn't end up the best choice, but ryan and i are so proud that you went through the strain, the trouble, and the efforts to do what was best for herbert. too many people give up too soon, but not you. i know you guys fought, and i know herbert fought. you made the best choices you could. i just wish it'd turned out better for you.

max and herbert are playing together in kitty heaven.

(((((michelle))))) (((((josh))))) (((((loomis)))))


NEG said...

Hey there, listen can you drop me an email? I'm at noaheligordon at h0tmail...

Russell Ragsdale said...

Nice tribute, dear Katy. I was happy to see you featured Bob. The loads of pictures are also wonderful. Cheers, dear one!