This year was particularly meaningful and important to me for several reasons. This was the first year Ryan and I hosted Thanksgiving at our house in Sandwich. That might sound stressful, but I am thankful that everyone offered to help, and I accepted. Meg brought munchies for before dinner. My mom made the stuffing and came over early to put the turkey in the oven with all it's dressings and fixings. My sister's mother-in-law, Jane and father-in-law, Jim, made turnip and potato mash as well as a pumpkin pie and hot apple cider. Ryan helped entertain, carry around chairs, and was at my side every second I needed him to move or lift or pour. My brother helped with all the dishes. He is awesome.

There, at the Bell abode, I got to talk to several friends. Iliya, I discovered, smiling, is happy in his challenging new work environment. He works with struggling children in a struggling city in western mass and has somehow been given the role of basketball coach, just because he's tall.
Peter was in Iraq over 5 years ago. He came home safe only to be caught out by some black ice while driving home. He hit a tree and woke up out of a five day comma. He suffered brain damage and paralysis. He forgot almost all of his Arabic except for habibi (a very sweet word, which one says with a gleam in their eye. it means sweetheart.). But Peter is getting better after 4 years of slow, frustrating recovery. He is alive, he is optimistic, and he is an inspiration.
I was complimented about my macarons, hugged by many. I talked to a young man about the Gropius House, and architectural history and preservation. We also talked at all ends of the spectrum on displaced people, refugees. How not being able to sleep in his own bed while construction takes place in his house makes him a displaced person, although not to the extent someone from New Jersey might currently feel--having to celebrate this holiday in a stadium with thousands of others, or in a stranger's home.

I didn't, while I was there, talk to a young Ana-Maria, though. It wasn't until the day after the party that I saw on her facebook page that she felt at odds, at a crossroads. And I have been meaning to write to her about the time in her life which she is inflicted right now. I will. Ana-Maria, I am going to write you a letter. But I need your address.

Be grateful. Be thankful. Share love, and be loved.