the past year was...
we lost max. but we gained jack, rowdy and alli.
we lost ra. rest in piece big buy.
i discovered the best meat in the world. it can be found at fogo de chao - brazilian grill - and it is called ancho.
i mastered the art of several forms of pancake.
i worked three jobs over the summer.
i finally met kate - ryan's lost twin.
we went to texas for the first time. no guns inside the building please.
i got put into print - in our own words and origami shipwreck (neopepper press).
got ryan a bmx for his birthday, ryan got me a zune for my birthday.
had a holiday in england - always a good thing.
sister had a mis, gained a fiance.
computer died. car didn't. fair trade off.
we went to our first live hockey game. damn those canadiaNs and their enthusiasm.
and i had my first, rather successful big birthday bash.
every year has its ups and downs. 2007 started off on the wrong foot (february saw us at a very low point, especially with everything max was going through), but set itself right before long.
cheers to 2007 and two cheers for 2008 - so far so good ^_^